Wir sind einer der günstigsten Tennisvereine in der Region. Zudem können die Mitglieder unsere vereinseigene Ballmaschine kostenfrei nutzen.

fee structure
Member 1)7)
adult 260
partner 220
student  2) 180
child / teenager 3), 6) 110
child/teenager reduced 4), 6)   80
double membership 5) 120
passiv 8)   85


currently no admission fee

Free trial game/training

For €10/game guests can play up to 5 times/year with one member(Refund for subsequent full annual membership), passive members up to 3x.

1) Annual fee, payable immediately upon entry, by March 31st. thereafter, plus 10€/month for late payment
2) up to 27 years*, a certificate must be submitted
3) up to 18 years*
4) Children of Tobacco members or siblings
5) Players with full membership in other DTB clubs, play only with members, a certificate must be submitted
6) optional children's training in small groups (€60/quarter, payable in advance, training cancellations due to e.g. public holidays or rain are taken into account and will not be reimbursed)
7) for entry from 01.08. the contribution for adults is reduced by 50%, that for children to 80€
8) Change to passive on request by September 30th.
Key deposit 50€. The key remains the property of TC Tobacco and must be returned at the end of membership.

* Age at entry or at the beginning of a year

The annual fee is due immediately upon entry, otherwise annually in advance by March 31st. transfer to the club account: TC Tobacco Hakenfelde e.V., IBAN: DE19430609671172506600, BIC:GENODEM1GLS